Feeling stressed? For many, listening to music helps them relax and unwind. A recent study found that listening to the song Weightless, in particular, reduces stress better than any other song tested to date. In fact, for participants, it reduced their overall anxiety by 65 percent. Learn more about this study—and download a playlist of other relaxing songs.
Strategies & Tips
- Common Mistakes People Make in Handling Conflict (PDF)
- Do’s and Don’ts When Your Behavior is Perceived as Offensive (PDF)
- Email Civility (PDF)
- Informal Strategies for Responding to Sexual Harassment (PDF)
- Negotiation Strategies (PDF)
- Options for Creating a Record of Complaint (PDF)
- The Power of Apology (PDF)
- Practices of a Good Listener (PDF)
- Preparing for Your Mediation
- Resistance or Cooperation (PDF)
- Responding to Complaints (PDF)
- Responding to Critical Supervisory Feedback (PDF)
- Resources for Bullying and Mobbing (PDF)
- Talking with a Professor About a Grade (PDF)
- We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations -By Judy Ringer
- Writing a Letter (PDF)
- Collaboration and Team Science: A Field Guide

Conflict is stressful, signaling our fight or flight response. It causes our heart rate to increase and blood pressure to rise. During times of stress, taking a deep breath can help calm us down and bring us back to a place where we can focus and begin to think again about how to best approach the situation.
Campus Resources
- Resources for WashU Faculty and Staff
- Resources for School of Medicine Staff
- Resources for Graduate School Students